DOLE ROs, implementing PESOs convene to evaluate JSP program, core skills modules

June 25, 2024

JobStart 2024 implementers pose for a photo with Undersecretary Carmela I. Torres and BLE Director Patrick P. Patriwirawan, Jr., CESO III (7th and 8th from left, first seated row) with DOLE Regional participants and BLE.

The Department of Labor and Employment, through the Bureau of Local Employment (BLE) and the DOLE Regional Office No. VII, conducted a consultation with the DOLE Regional Offices (DOLE ROs) and Public Employment Service Offices (PESOs) entitled "Enhancing the JobStart Philippines Program (JSP): Evaluating Implementation and Refining the Core Skills Modules" on 16-17 May 2024 at the Bohol Tropics Resort in the Province of Bohol. 

The event aimed to examine the program's implementation and management for conformity to its original design and document its development and operations, and to review the existing core skills modules to develop a standardized core skills module applicable to all youth employability programs of the Department. It was attended by the focal persons from 33 implementing PESOs, as well as their respective DOLE RO counterparts.

To enable the participants to have a wider perspective in evaluating the modules, affiliates from DOLE’s attached agencies and JobStart implementers, as well as external partners from the academe and the private industry, were invited to share their perspectives in improving the modules.

(L-R) TESDA RO7 Regional Director Ramon Evan Ruiz, Advance Central College President Rani Rodriguez, PESO Bohol Manager Maria Vilma Yorong, ECOP Skills and Education Co-chairperson Clarine Tobias

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) RO VII Regional Director Ramon Evan Ruiz highlighted their support for career development through updated training regulations and enterprise-based training. 

From the academe, Mr. Rani Rodriguez, President of Advance Central College, emphasized the importance of communication, comprehension, personal values, green skills, and parental involvement in career development. Meanwhile, PESO Manager Maria Vilma Yorong of the Bohol Province shared best practices in implementing the JobStart Program, including improved job creation, referral systems, and partnerships. 

Ms. Clarine Tobias, Skills and Education Committee Co-chairperson of the Employers Confederation of the Philippines, took the stage to discuss the impact of technological advancements and the gig economy on employment trends, particularly in the private industry, stressing the need for targeted skills development and educational reforms. 

Two workshops were organized to evaluate the JobStart Philippines Program and its core skills modules. The first workshop addressed various aspects of program implementation, identifying challenges related to  existing policy related issues. The second workshop involved a review of the core skills training modules, where participants recommended merging related modules, adding new content on mental health, and removing outdated content. The session concluded with presentations from all groups, providing a comprehensive overview of their findings and suggestions for improvements.

Regional action plans and evaluation reports were then presented by regional focal persons. The participants proposed various initiatives to enhance program implementation, such as pocket meetings with MSMEs, employer forums, job fair booths for youth employability programs, and collaborations with City Youth Development Offices. Capacity-building activities for DOLE RO/FO and PESO personnel were recommended to improve service delivery. 

The Regional Evaluation and Recommendation Reports largely suggested retaining the existing Core Skills Modules with some adjustments, such as proposed combinations for stress management and job interview preparation modules and the removal of the redundant module on exploring the world of work.

Insights and strategies developed during the event will play a crucial role in refining and enhancing the JobStart Philippines Program, ensuring its alignment with the goals of increasing youth employability and contributing to the nation's economic growth.